The Dawning of Aquarius
A flow state of creation and being is more accessible now on earth. Physical upgrades force many to slow down, disrupting reliance on former schedules, activities, and old ways of attempting to seek security inside via controlling outer circumstances. We are continuously being brought back to ourselves; where selfcare is not a prioritized practice, it becomes a necessity.
If we still tell ourselves we are victims of our environment, we experience these physical episodes as illness, something wrong, or the product of something we accept as a scapegoat, i.e. leaked virus, climate crisis, bad genetics, toxic food industry, AI interference, satanic influence, fill in the blank with the current dystopian trend. We all have a rabbit hole, but as we go deeper into it, we will always find ourselves at the other end. You will believe and perceive according to the story you choose, what is truly your story?
Humanity and all life on earth are in a cauldron of expansion. The heat, the storms, the reckoning, and revolution are necessary to transcend the previous confines. As a collective we are called to remember our responsibility as co-creators and contributors to our life on earth. As individuals we can only take our proper place when we do this for ourselves. This means we must be diligent in our commitment to our freedom, our values, and our alignment. Nature always reminds me of its sovereignty and majesty when we communicate; we need only reclaim ours.
The universe and ALL its elements are part of this shift. There is no separation. When we surrender to the higher design and implementation unfolding and allow our higher faculties to come online to guide us, we will not be disrupted by any lower fear narrative playing out. We instead, join the energy where the solution lies. We live, choose, and act from this aligned position, connecting to others creating new openings and outcomes. We trust in the love sustaining all; allowing all expressions to play their part and grow according to their perfect process and timing. We know the Earth has her agency and evolution, one that we are not here to dominate or harness.
What can we truly offer her but the best version of ourselves? In the age of transparency and unlimited information, we are encouraged to seek truth and foundations that support where we want to go. This requires us to take personal inventory. We all inherit fears, grievances, wounds, prejudices, and dispositions that are limiting, restrictive, and harmful to ourselves and others. For me, I often receive deeper layers of these influences in my dreams.
This week I experienced myself in scenarios of lies and betrayal, of abuse and neglect, and of conflict and persecution. I found some of the characters were flat, stereotypical representations of male and female. I was able to see where gender roles were clearly assigned to certain types of problems. Men were typically the aggressors, for example. I am led through symbolic scenarios in my dreams and then physical reality often, to help me understand what is shifting in me, my body, my relationships, my lineages, and in the collective.
The last two days illustrated this perfectly. I woke yesterday from a dream where I was in a stressful situation. A party I attended was not what I thought it would be, and my partner was engaging in things that were hurtful and neglectful of me. I was afraid and going along despite what I wanted. I could feel emotions and energies in my heart stirred up as I came out of it, and realized it was layered with some of my personal experiences, but it was also symbolic of energies experienced by many women in my family. My partner was a generic representation and projection of MAN. He was the perceived villain in many women’s stories, losing his heart, his humanity, and his individuality as time went on. Many women stopped seeing him, and only saw what they feared and felt in the pain and expectations inherited. I had unconsciously played this out too for years, and it was because of my direct experience of it that I was able to shift its energy in a larger way. Our healing is like ripples in an ocean, or as it is sometimes shown to me, a lightning running through a quantum web or tree.
I spoke intentions and engaged in an energetic clearing and resolution. I then went to physical exercise and implementation. I felt a lightness ensue after, but as evening rolled around the fire alarms went off in my house without provocation. I thoroughly checked all areas of my home and there was no evidence of fire or gas. I sensed the alarm that was the issue, and when I pressed the button, it silenced all temporarily. I did this multiple times with no lasting success for half an hour. I then started to feel my nervous system get amped and anxious. I knew there wasn’t a problem, but my body was still responding to the stimulus. I decided I would get help and called the fire dept to make sure there was nothing wrong. They discovered an issue with the same alarm I was focusing on and dismantled it.
I went to bed exhausted, stepping into more of my internal alarm system in dreams. This time it wasn’t about a partner. I was brought to a school ground that I was researching for my children. In my exploration, I encountered a building where young children and animals were being housed. They were left without adult supervision, fending for themselves. I was upset and worried for them, but when staff came in, I was in trouble for being in an unapproved area. I saw school staff enter and coral the children into uniforms, order, and an organized formation to leave the building. The children had an empty look, and I wondered what happened there to achieve a submission like that with such young children.
I then set off through a swampy landscape with baby hippos and was confronted by a young man. He kept arguing and challenging me, ignoring my requests that he leave. After being pursued for a time, I had enough and physically pushed him away. When I made it to the school office, that man was there and had reported me. There was a panel of men waiting and accusing me. I spoke my truth, but they were not open to my side, or understanding of my situation. I woke with feelings of frustration, in anticipation of judgment and punishment. I felt deeply that the system was set up for me to fail, and that justice was unattainable.
I again went to my healing practices to shift these energies and templates inside me. I knew a significant portion of my defense and protection mechanisms were surfacing for me to surrender them. If I am to have a new experience in my relationships, like deeper trust, intimacy, passion, and connection, then I must remove the outdated filters and barriers in the way. These show up physically in me as fight or flight responses to new circumstances, blocks to feeling or vulnerability, and even hard tissue in my breast. As I address the energetic roots, I feel the openness, sensitivity, and softness more in the physical. I unlocked much in these 2 nights, and as I embody more of myself, I naturally feel safer in all facets and settings of life.
As we reclaim parts of ourselves that were rejected, hurt, lost, or abandoned in love, we are naturally uplifted and protected by our rise in frequency and light quotient. I find that healing and reclaiming parts of me in lower frequency experiences, correlate to restoring higher dimensional aspects of me as well. As I cried to release trapped energy that was tied to these last dream sequences, I was comforted by a star mother of an indigo blue light. She was robed with the star-studded darkness of space itself. She placed her luminous hand on my heart to help my process. I felt intense love in our connection, and awareness that she is me in another realm of experience. I have been receiving tingling adjustments in my body since she has come on board, and I know myself to be in a new configuration. When we allow our encounters and assistance to be real, instead of trying to figure it out in our minds, we have a smoother journey.
We are then creating and perceiving from a higher vibration, attracting healthier versions or reflections of the changes we make. Love is calling us to ground new pathways of possibility in unity. As we release others from being the validation or villain in our stories, we connect to those that compliment us. We take ownership of ourselves instead of expecting others to correct or complete us. The healthy in “us” supports and encourages the healthy in all, and higher opportunities, actions, and creations naturally arise from this space of elevated collaboration.
As we approach the first new moon in Aquarius, what are we envisioning for ourselves, our families, our communities, our planet, and our galactic connection? Can we see ourselves in the bigger picture? Can we trust our place in the universe, understanding that changes in the sun, lead to changes on earth, leading to changes in all of life on earth? Can we see what is breaking down, is allowing a break through?
What do we know about change? Haven’t we consistently seen transformation being facilitated by elements like heat and light, sometimes intensely and destructively to achieve something new? We are no stranger to life’s cycles and processes, no stranger to death as a transitional agent. Love knows where it seeks to expand, where it seeks to be empowered, and where it thrives in united intention and effort. What will you facilitate for love in the age of Aquarius? We are dropping the baggage that weighs our rocket ship down and embracing our divine technology as a path forward.
On this new moon, aim higher. It is time to reach for and reconvene with the stars. You are more than you realize!
Happy New Moon in Aquarius 🦋🌚🌹
Death Becomes Her
Scorpio season came in with a transformative and beautiful bang for me. The whole month of October has presented challenges, but all with opportunities to dig deeper and excavate treasure.
I started with a visit to my daughter’s college campus in TN. It was beautiful weather and so good to be together. Her transition has brought up a lot in me. As my parenting roles change with each consecutive child, parts of me undergo a death process. I lose identities and connections to things that really consumed my focus and time. As space is created, there is emptiness and a grief in knowing that parts of my life that I loved so much are over. I also get to see new aspects of myself that are grasping or attached in ways that I know are needing adjustment. Children need freedom to truly explore themselves and what they are here to do. As I observe myself and all that I am still unraveling in influences and conditions I was imprinted with in childhood, I realize how important it is to let my children be.
As I shift out of the pervasive setting of fear, I realize how much I impacted them unintentionally with my own negative perceptions and experiences of the world. This is done without conscious intent. This is done without words. As I shift ancestral influences in me, I realize how much we are impressed with energies from our bloodlines. This is especially true for our mother’s line. We are formed inside them and connected to their auric field strongly for the first incarnation cycle. The wisdom and power of mother is returning to its proper place on earth, and as we restore this in ourselves and families, it will literally change and elevate the frequency of life here.
As I have raised and loved my children at various stages, it has helped nourish the child in me that longed for such things. I think one of the reasons people struggle with the proverbial “empty nest” as their children leave, is the time it leaves for them to spend with themselves. They may feel that their primary sources of love and joy are gone, but in truth it is a time to offer these things to themselves. We are not taught this, so it seems uncomfortable at first. The grief is deeper than the loss or rite of passage, it is a death that is a necessary function of life, birth, rebirth, and creation itself. We get to explore new aspects of ourselves, and see where we are holding on to fears and stereotypes about these phases that can be shifted to live more peacefully and authentically.
I had children young so I always felt like I was growing up with them in a way. I am so grateful for the time I have with them and for their patience with me as I stumbled through life. All of the pressures I placed on myself to attain or be something of value, didn’t really matter. There is love in all of it that has sustained.
I came back from TN to support a family ,member in the hospital. This was to correct something that resulted from an earlier emergency. It was a reinstatement of sorts, allowing for a renewed sense of gratitude for what remains after a period of loss and brush with death delivered a new world view. Death always allows for a new opening or beginning. What we struggle to let go of, is often a relief after we overcome the fear of losing it. I was blessed to be visited by a friend that had eclipse glasses while there, so I was able to see the solar fire eclipse. I marveled at the many faces of the sun during the event, and how bright and strong the sun light is even while eclipsed. That sentiment stays with me as darkness and discord are stirred up in the world. I know the light does not have to fight, it only shines and absorbs the shadow in its wake.
Humanity will rise to transcend its subjugation to polarity and separation. The projected poisons must surface to be recognized in resonance and reflection. We continue to see divisive extremes in race, politics, religion, wealth and other seemingly opposite poles, behaving more in likeness and similarity. They are matching in energetic resonance, and not actually as different as the surface stories proclaim. Hate is hate, violence is violence, blame is blame, and the accuser is often proven guilty of that which is accused. In the limited understanding and experience of separation, people project their own issues and emotions onto others. They blame others for what they refuse to see in themselves. This is especially true in times of discomfort and misfortune. As more people recognize that this happens in themselves and their relationships, they will free themselves from the shackles of victimization all together. Freedom starts from the inside out.
We are dying to old forms, ideas, constructs, beliefs, identities, and all their restrictive bindings. This causes major shifts in the frameworks that they create, inhabit, and reinforce. When we first see the deception and distortion in longstanding systems and beliefs, we are affected in proportion to the degree we have personal investment. If they are a large part of our identity and focus, we may be in shock and loss as they falter in decline. Some will be in denial because of this, and double down with a sinking or exploding ship. We all have paths of growth and choice here, perfect for our soul evolution and purpose. Our best bet is on ourselves; what is dying, what is opening, and what is being reborn in our self?
For me the resolutions have been very active in the dream realm. I have been a willing participant in addressing any armor or defensiveness I find in myself that created distortion or distance in my relationships or perceptions of others. When I first encountered my inner fortress and default protection setting, I was in shock. I was putting myself in new uncomfortable situations of vulnerability that set them off. It took time to develop them, and it has taken patience and practice to feel safe in relinquishing them. Some are unconscious and from other dimensional incarnations. They arise as we are ready to process them.
In a recent dream I was in another earth incarnation where I was murdered. I lived through the event in a way that allowed me to process and understand the residual effects of the trauma affecting me here. I was still holding shock, betrayal, devastation, and grief. I was murdered with my best friend and her small child. I had begged and bartered myself to spare her life to no avail. When I awoke, I created a space for myself to feel what was ready to move and be acknowledged. There were parts of me angry at myself for my helplessness and ineffectiveness, and at God for creating this complexity. I understood how this generated an overall feeling of mistrust toward others, an ongoing backdrop of danger and sorrow. I also hardened myself to prevent trusting or connecting too deeply because of the pain of loss. This really doesn’t stop us from feeling or suffering, it just imprisons us and causes feelings of isolation and segregation. When I was younger I numbed myself with alcohol to be social, but I was locked in armor as long as I can remember. I knew I was not normal and believed myself to be defective, but until I met these inner barriers I didn’t fully understand the extent.
I additionally was gifted in dreamtime with symbolic representations of other distorted beliefs I was holding on to in my subconscious. When we cannot access them consciously, we are left breadcrumbs. I was first alerted by my body. My digestive system slowed down to a miserable impasse. I was constipated for days. I knew there was something I was not digesting; something I was needing to let go of that was blocking flow and harmony. I was guided to slow down, to focus and nurture myself. As I began inquiry, I received. I was still holding fears of betrayal and abandonment. I was holding unprocessed anger and shame from my story. This was shown to me so I could address and process the energy, and then I could choose to move forward with a new understanding and willingness. We process major traumas over time cyclically, with each round having less disruption and charge when we are willing to let it go. As I took the time to prioritize my body and what it was telling me, I was relieved of the heaviness in the way. As I address my body as an intelligent vessel of awareness and technology, I am continuously amazed at its ability to communicate, cooperate, and mutate in response.
Things came to a magnificent culmination as soon as Scorpio season started. I was guided to do a reiki prayer ceremony for myself. I was to focus my attention and efforts on self love. I was guided to start by cleansing all roots and forms of self abuse. I then initiated the energy transmission and was taken to a clearing in a fairytale-looking wooded area. In the center I saw my current form in a glass coffin, similar to the scene in Snow White. Archangel Michael’s sword was lying along the length of my body on top of the glass. I appeared dead, and there was a long procession of all of my former selves in this life. They were arranged in line according to age, going back in time to conception. By my side, was my winged light self holding my hand and making adjustments, as each aspect of self came to pay love and respect before they merged into my resting form. It was attended by many other guides and beings, but the event pertained to all versions of myself.
I felt so loved and witnessed; I additionally felt love for every version of me in time. I made peace with myself and was able to finally lay rest to humiliations, judgments, and grudges held. After all aspects were called home, I watched my light self adjust the technology of my form before she too merged with it. I then saw myself rise new, to be welcomed by my attending team of light and support. It was a celebration of death and life, for nothing is truly lost but is reclaimed and part of the new shape moving forward. I was guided to then walk out into the world, and felt awkward in the body as I grounded into it. I was in joy and gratitude for what was accessed in death. My body continued to integrate and accommodate the upgrades in light through the night.
Death continues to be a source of awe and transformation in my process. When I lost my brother in 2014, I was facing some of the darkest parts of myself that encouraged me to consider it as a possible relief. At that time, I perceived it as an ending that was final, and a threshold uncrossable. It was cruel, and in opposition to life. I wrote about this time in my book TRUE LOVE NOT LIKE IN THE MOVIES, where I share how my brother reached out to me after his transition. It was through his ongoing love and support, that I learned to perceive death differently. I was able to experience love as intelligent and eternal, and I see now how death is one of love’s primary functions for growth and creation.
We are love experiencing ourself in various expressions of creation through time. We are no stranger to death, and it is our fears and beliefs about death that are in the way of us experiencing more peace and freedom here. We can embrace death, befriend death, and become death when we are called to change. We need not fear what we perceive is lost to us forever; what is real in love remains. What is important for our growth and wisdom do also. We can process and integrate the charges of the energy, while maintaining the experiential pearls.
Death encourages us to challenge everything in our reality. When it strikes to remove something or someone significant, it forces us to reconfigure ourselves, our perceptions, and our relationship with everything. We are always in various phases of birth and death energetically in life. Right now there is some part of you dying. There are layers of the past seeking rest and reconciliation in you. As you succumb to it as an aspect of life, instead of resisting it out of fear, you will find it has much to offer. You will also find it has companions that are available to you, to assist you in learning to let go.
Fear not the emptiness and space it leaves. Do not rush to fill it with new activities, attachments, and things. Let yourself be filled with you for awhile. Return to simple chores and steps. Take notice and comfort in the reliable rhythms in nature. Let flow run wild. You won’t run out of tears. In these empty spaces we find openings to places long forgotten and left untended. When the light enters there, a new world emerges within.
I would love to hear from you! What are your experiences with death? Where are you being called to let go? To transform? To be new?
May you find your own darkness more fruitful than fearful! Happy treasure hunting and Happy Halloween 👻💜
Employing the Freedom to Dream
July came in with a heat and intensity that is lighting new fires of possibility, and burning out reservoirs of unconscious and unnecessary excess. Fire molds and shapes as it decimates and destroys. New identities and realizations are emerging, allowing new life to unfold from any surmounting ashes.
As we contemplated and celebrated freedom in the USA for Independence Day, much was going on in the etheric realms to further address the energetic shackles still unrealized by many in the physical world. The physical is a manifestation of energy that exists in operation on multiple levels, most unseen or perceived by our body’s traditional sensory capabilities. We are taught to disregard other aspects of our consciousness as unreal or imaginary, despite their influence and information that is crucial in contributing to creation.
As we awaken to our multidimensional nature, and learn to utilize our body’s divine technology, we open ourselves to what is affecting us and our world in other realms. We realize there is no separation between realms; it is our awareness and willingness to address our position in these other aspects of consciousness that can help us advance and empower ourselves in new ways. When viewed from an energetic and impersonal standpoint, we become less emotionally entangled in conflict and fear. We know that exploring our own psyche and its symbolism, is key to navigating life’s perpetual changes. Fear in all forms contains a lower frequency to be addressed and transmuted, no matter how big or universally influential it may seem.
Freedom is also a frequency, and it has been fought for, cultivated, wielded, and experienced in peaks of creation that ripple out with purpose. July 4th is one of these peak times, and astrologically its date was not chosen at random. It signifies a stellar gateway when our sun connects to the sun of Sirius, allowing a higher frequency of freedom to be accessed. In preparation for this year’s influx of higher frequencies, much restrictive interference was removed and transmuted in the unconscious realms, allowing more to access their own truth, recognize relevant deceit and disclosure, and allow the emotional processing that follows revelation to assist in arriving at a new perception point. We are living in times of rapid energetic transition, transmutation, and transformation; all on earth are undergoing this together, regardless of where they are in their respective understandings or choices.
Because we are one with life, we need not fear our fate in addressing any darkness we are currently facing. We each carry a facet of creation’s purpose, with a future designed and secured by us in the larger picture at play. We are here to be our true selves and can only know our way from exploring our divine connection and nature within. We are given guidance and direction ongoing. All of our life is our creation, and we can only succeed in mastering ourselves. This is an act of service, naturally contributing to the greater good. When we remember and embody our true nature as LOVE, right action and alignment arise naturally.
Can we trust this to be true in times of conflict? In war? In sorrow?
Can we be present with the changing tides, continuing to anchor in the love eternal inside ourselves?
Can we recognize our emotional triggers as areas of inner significance, instead of projecting blame on an outer source?
We hold the energy of magnetism and manifestation for our circumstances; can we recognize our stories, beliefs, defenses, and behavioral habits that determine our perceptions and results?
Can we own ALL of it, in the way of empowerment and not blame?
Can we bring forth the new we seek in ourselves first, rather than waiting for another to change?
Can we accept that universal love is unconditional?
Can we offer love to ourselves? Our families? Our perceived enemies?
Can we look at our discomforts and judgments as opportunities to explore past experiences that are unhealed or unprocessed?
Can we trust the universal laws of justice and karma to deliver a return in energy to each that is appropriate and beneficial to love’s purpose?
I remember a time I was grappling with justice myself in situations that I felt were cruel and unfair. I mistakenly thought there was an outcome that would stop or justify the pain I was in, or that there was this one thing to set it fair and right. My guiding angels quickly pulled me up, up, up, and higher to a near cosmic view that helped me to see the multitude of situations and perspectives being balanced and meted out. It helped me to surrender my personal desires, limited ideas, and attempts at control, in a willingness to allow a higher outcome for all.
We are at this point in humanity, where our collective limited ideas and outworn systems are being surrendered to the higher operating intelligence of Love that is now more tangibly available. The lower frequency systems rooted in fear, lack, and separation are no match for the higher light templates, codes, and frequencies streaming through the planet. This is a fundamental change that is inescapable, although there is a freedom in choice that determines the alignment and ride. Belief in being a victim of an unjust reality, only assures one’s place and experience in such. Perception and imagination are powerful tools of creation, with effects and results in energy and alignment.
The first week of July was heavenly for me. Spring brought a lot in the way of karmic closure and relationship adjustments that freed more of my energy to feel fulfilled and whole. I was on the ocean, which is a place of restoration and expansion for me. I felt held and in an exchange of abundant life and love, allowing me to receive confirmation on a vision I received two years ago. I connected to a physical place I had encountered in a dream, and was given the opportunity to accept another course in life that will be very different from what I have lived so far.
After soulful reflection, I accepted the invitation knowing I had already done so in other realms of creation. I then said my goodbyes and thanked the land, sea, and its messengers for an amazing time and offer. I came home buzzing with excitement and pregnant with the possibility. I began researching and making contacts along the path of physicalizing the deal. There is a means availing itself, but there is also a timing. I know there are energy clearings and adjustments that I will go through ongoing to ensure I am a match for this new life. There will be things for me to let go, things for me to learn, things for me to take a risk.
This was emphasized in a series of dreams that I had once I returned home. I began dreaming to clear fears, relationship traumas, conflicting beliefs, and expectations of negative outcomes. We hold so much of this in our subconscious, and dreams in part, are ways for us to address these aspects when we are aware of our messaging system and its symbolism. I realized I was being shown the things in the way of me taking my next step so I could release them and choose a new script.
This process further culminated in a dream where I visited the land I connected to, and discovered my friend was there already with her family. She was very pregnant, and in my dreams pregnancy often symbolizes a new creation, opportunity, life, or desire. This friend is typically aggressive in going for what she wants in life, so she was impatient in the dream and wanted to rush her delivery. She called for someone to bring a hooking device to break her water. I was alarmed and tried to talk her out of it, seeing the potential in hurting the baby in the process. I told her that nature has its own timing that is best, but she proceeded any way. She then packed up and got into the ocean to head back home. I warned her again of contamination in the water posing a risk to her baby since they had opened the amniotic sac. She ignored me a second time, wanting it to hurry to fit her schedule. I was left there with a foreboding feeling, knowing I was in the beginning of my gestation period with this vision, and that I would not make the same mistakes.
I awoke understanding the importance of divine timing, and the opportunity available in savoring each step and moment. The journey is the point, each step crucial and meaningful, no matter how mundane or menial. I look back on the last chapter of my life and see how magnificent my changes and accomplishments are to me BECAUSE of the love and labor that built and sustained them over time. In having connected to the future vision, I realize how much in my life and self will change to get there. I accept where I am now and will approach each step with gratitude and presence to the best of my ability. For now I have a dream, and the taste and uplifting hope of its realization. This is where imagination comes into our toolbox, because to go where we haven’t been we must imagine it first. I do so lightly, remembering my limited view from the angels’ tutelage, and I let my feelings of excitement, love, and gratitude fill in the blanks. I received a preview of its attainment in feeling, so it is there I will play to entrain my system to deliver the physical result in kind.
This is also where I go when I envision, embrace, and enliven the new earth. New earth is being bridged and fortified by dreamers and visionaries. This doesn’t mean it is happening only in the realm of ideas and mind, true light bearers are grounded in their bodies and realities, while unafraid to explore and go beyond. So much is being addressed and accomplished in the etheric realms to secure physical changes that don’t seem possible now. To get there, we must play in the higher potentialities, open ourselves to embody the higher frequencies, and believe and act on the information and opportunities we are receiving inside us. We must be willing to hold to ideals and virtues that are uncommon and unappreciated, to act in alignment with them and with our truth even when misunderstood, and to pave new ways of being that go beyond reacting with the same energy and anger of any conflict or problem. The new earth is secured through those willing to see beyond duality, act in the consideration of unity, and forgive the ignorance and brutality. There are resolutions where the energy is elevated and united; blame is separation, stagnation, and disempowerment–period.
As we contemplate freedom on personal and collective levels, let us remember the power of one. One love that is animating all life, and one love inside each, despite the varying external stories and forms. August will bring another Sirian alignment in the 8/8 lion’s gate portal. Let it call up the lion’s courageous heart in you, in service to the earth evolution underway.
What dreams are you contemplating at this time personally? Collectively? Are you aware of the many creational elements active in you when you are trying to build or launch a new idea, creation, or foundation? Are you open to all the dimensional aspects of you that guide you in different ways, channels, and levels of consciousness?
Do you know the healing and creative power of dreams? Can you nurture a seed inside you patiently and considerately while your energies shift and align to offer you steps in the appropriate timing?
The earth needs dreamers and dream weavers to hold the intent, visions, and energies of healing and wholeness for her and all her children. It doesn’t matter where we were before, what is common now, or what others will do. What is possible in your heart? What do you know is true and being called up inside of you? If you can be it and live it, it is attainable and will grow in sustainability the more it is available to others. Do you know the power of a spark? Of a wave? You are a force creating ripples in the ocean, holding the space for the water to rise higher and higher. Whatever your higher vision is for yourself, your home, your family, your community, your country, your world, or your universe, plant it in your heart. Hold it in a spacious area of freedom and faith. Water it regularly with unconditional love and the good feelings that erupt inside when you think of it. Let the warmth of the sun and the light of divine intelligence shine on its face. Nurture it and act as if it so. See its possibility in every encounter and landscape. Know it is alive. It is alive in you, and you keep it alive in every breath, every thought, every choice, and every step you take in getting there….
Wherever you are, it is there. It exists already and is made possible through you.
I would love for you to share any visions that you want acknowledged here. We are learning to get comfortable in asking for what we really want, and allowing ourselves to believe and receive. It takes practice at first to override our old default settings. Keep dreaming and planting! Happy New Moon 🌚💙
Tigress of Integrity
June started with an amazing dream encounter. I was visited by a parade of tigers. All were multi-colored and sparkling with various jewels and fancy adornments. I locked eyes with one for a long time and connected to a goddess energy. She was fierce in her love, secure in herself, and in service to a higher truth that allows her to be unaffected by any chaos she sees in the world. She knows her strength and direct connection to life, and allows herself to be directed by its ebb and flow..
She arrived after a culmination of karmic resolution with the feminine aspect in my life. The month of April brought a situation that allowed me to see the darker dynamics of one side of my family that I had suppressed for the sake of peace. I was still able to navigate things on the surface diplomatically, while addressing the energies inside me that were long ignored. Instead of giving my power away to old childhood pain, or returning the hostility encountered in another, I experienced myself coming from a place of love and detachment. I allowed my feelings, acknowledged them and parented myself privately, while I held a space for others to feel angry, threatened, and unkind. From detachment I was able to literally see the fear patterns as a shroud of darkness preventing them from connecting to the love. I saw the fear narratives and intentions running too. I experienced myself unaffected by them as I chose to be, noticing the directed anger was impersonal and couldn’t penetrate the love I held for myself and the situation. When I felt a slight and my wounded child sprang up in defense, I spoke silently inside offering love and affirmations of worth, and felt a warm energy radiate from my heart lifting me into a higher experience of wholeness. I did not need anything or anyone outside of me to change, to make me feel better. I am capable myself, and I acknowledged their right and ability to choose their own grace and pace.
I have grown more comfortable in being open and present in my encounters, without any need to assess for protection or safety first. It took some time to see my walls and their effect on my experiences. It also took an ongoing commitment and discipline to shift the energy. Trust in others, directly correlates to trust in self. When we experience violations in our early years, it diminishes both.
In the same vein, growth in one area also contributes to progress in the other. As we heal the lower frequency traumas in ourselves, we attract higher outcomes, and see clearly where the lower is present to secure ourselves naturally. Our resolutions are medicine for any similar energetic matches in our reality. We may attract others with similar experiences to be inspired by our success. How we overcome things, is inspiration and a higher frequency for that possibility in others.
May took me to the other side of the family, to wrap up a situation I had been working on for over the last year. In truth, I was always entangled more on this side of the family, so the inner work was often focused there.
One of my children graduated high school, throwing many together in celebration and closure that was a rite of passage that rippled out. I knew I was emerging in one sense; I was opening my home after many changes and time apart. With the rebirth of Easter, my home underwent a complete purge and makeover. I knew it was spiritually supported and symbolic. The inspiration and means came together quickly and easily, and I could see it was reflective of the work and success we accomplished in ourselves and as a family. I also felt a chapter closing in my life that necessitated a clearing of the old, to make space for the new.
The transformation was on all levels. My body started moving old emotional energy, while physically clearing through an intense menstrual cycle, and transmuting childhood energy in a surge of poison ivy that erupted on my arms. I was being challenged to address my inner needs, while hosting and attending gatherings for my daughter and guests. A few came with unhealed hurt and attachments that were directed at me. I observed but remained diplomatic and neutral. I was again able to see the energy and experience myself unaffected by it. Any emotional residue that was left, was accepted and allowed to process in me without any drama or need to involve others. I saw again, the impersonal nature of it, although it was aimed and projected at me. After I addressed any personal wounds from childhood, and feelings of disappointment, I had compassion for all in their process. I relieved myself fully from any perceived obligation or temptation to explain or fix anything with another. The result was LIBERATION, with permission granted for us all to progress at our own pace, with our choices, and our understandings regardless of our status of agreement.
These events helped me to come more into my own. I did not need my worth or changes validated outside of me, I embodied them and experienced them myself. I let myself acknowledge the victories and treasures unapologetically, knowing I could feel good for the good in my life even when others were unable or unwilling to join. Guilt has vacated, along with a pervasive shame that was always there keeping me in my place, awaiting a punishment I imagined I deserved.
April and May brought many opportunities for healing and closure to major themes, challenges, and identities in my story. I was given opportunities to put my choices and ideals into practice and action, both serving as necessary components to shift patterns and frequency in the physical. I had been working toward the freedom and abundance I am currently experiencing now for a long time. These incidents felt like loose ends that still took up some of my energy and space in my psyche, requiring adjustment and redirection. Old limiting views and beliefs about myself and my abilities must expand if I am going to step into something new and enjoy the fruits of my labor.
Despite the challenges, a sense of gratitude and grace was continuously present and felt. New doors also opened, with new relations that reflected the higher qualities I had worked toward. It became apparent to me, that I was simply being encouraged to assess the energy constructs and connections I still had in operation, some unconsciously, to choose what I wanted to continue moving forward with in investment. We are increasingly being shown truth: the truth in our relationships, our thoughts, our choices, and our circumstances on personal and collective scales. If we are not emotionally or mentally invested and connected to the divisive conflicts and dramas stirred up in the social atmosphere, we are not experiencing the entrapment and despair befalling many. We are beings with creative intent and choice, complicit in our own undoing or empowerment. The choice is ours. Are we energizing someone else’s agenda and narrative, or determining and delighting in our own? We are here to fulfill our unique purpose and destiny, which is always in concert with our divine connection. We are divine in nature and need only remember and cultivate this truth in ourselves to find our way.
For me, this required declarations and demonstrations of the energy I wanted to embody and experience. It did not matter what was common or traditional in my reality, what did I want in my heart? If I wanted love, then it was for me to invite it, bring it, BE it. When I was rejected or met with another quality, I could still choose love. I could be compassion, without diminishing or harming myself in any way. Who I am, what I choose, how I act is on me.
Can hatred and misunderstanding be met with love? Yes
Can ignorance and fear elicit compassion? Absolutely
Love is truth, and truth is not tarnished or diminished by misperceptions or distortions. Truth has no agenda, just mechanisms of energy, experience, and creation that stand on their own whether one adheres to them consciously or not. All are still subject to them and any resulting consequences or effects arising from choices made or actions taken that are contrary.
In a lower frequency bandwidth of experience on earth, we were limited and imprisoned by the distortions in thought and density of suppressed emotions. We were manipulated in ways to keep us in a manageable state, only accessing a small portion of our inherent wisdom and potential. We have lived out of balance, suppressing the feminine polarity of creation mentally, emotionally, and physically in ways that are detrimental to our species and planet. What we do to ourselves, is reflected in nature, and vice versa. There is no separation.
The tigress I merged with in my dream, is an energy returning to a position of power here. She is rising in all of us, commanding a return to love, and the right use of life force. She knows how to hold space for a higher vision and focus her energy and intent exclusively there to dream into being what is possible, rather than settling for same or waiting for saved. She speaks in feeling and symbol. She guides from the heart and skills with imagination, creative play, and song. She knows her realm is the space of creation, and she is not limited by the patterns and frameworks that inhabit and serve to enhance it. She is in love and harmony with the masculine aspect, operating in tandem in all creation. She knows through him her manifestations are implemented and protected.
As more awaken to her calling, and balance these forces inside themselves, solutions outside of the current mental constructs will be realized and executed. Barriers of fear will be easily recognized and reclaimed inside, removing their effects externally and allowing acceptance and unity to override the need to be right, or better, or validated from another. A love and trust in life will return. Emotions will be recognized and processed effectively, without projecting and reacting inappropriately toward others. The wounds and fears of our early childhood and past, won’t be allowed to haunt and influence our present foundations.
The Tigress asks us to rise in majesty and maturity. She reminds us that we are one with life and born with a sacred responsibility. We are strong enough to hold the higher truth with love in our hearts, and compassion for those exploring paths and timing different from our own. In honoring the higher love and its guidance inside us, we are united and supported by forces much vaster than we can perceive, assisting us in pioneering changes that will serve creation and usher the earth into a new era of peace.
The next night I was with two tigers, male and female. In the dream they were slightly restless and hungry, and I was keeping them tame in a crowd of people. There were smaller domesticated cats around that I was worried the tigers would harm from their size difference, or attempt to eat because of their hunger. They needed to be fed. I awoke understanding this to be related to my passionate and creative fire; a fire that needs an outlet and stimulation to be managed and effectively handled. When we have build-ups of unsatisfied or unrecognized emotions and thoughts with no direction or healthy release, we often take them out on others. If we have little understanding of our emotions, we project them on to others or make others responsible for what we are feeling. As we increase our light quotient and potency, we also expand our impact and influence on those around us. Mastering our thoughts and emotions is key to contributing positively to our environment. As humanity continues to process all emotional residue personally and collectively, confusion and reactivity will be experienced by many. More are needed to demonstrate energetic mastery, to help channel the lower frequency emotions into higher creative inspirations and innovations that uplift all.
The depths of our experiences are rising for us to be internally fulfilled and free. Love has purpose for our unique expressions and medicine. Walk with tiger and imagine what the universe can accomplish through you!
Embracing Embodiment
Greetings from a lazy Mardis Gras in the Deep South. February has had a consistent intensity about it, that forced delays in physical progress and action at times. Surges in energy create purges in density. As spirit in matter, we are sensitive to changes in our surroundings. We perceive separation and limitation through the stored density in the body, and the fortified beliefs and structures to which we ascribe. They create foundations of perception that get rocked when the energy we are in changes; and we are in major planetary changes that are shifting everything in existence on earth.
The disrupted density contains slower, lower frequency blocks of residual emotions and thoughts from experiences that we are attached to, or are not finished fully processing. Sometimes we hold onto to distortions in thought and feeling from intense, scary, emotional, or traumatic experiences to better understand, heal, and move through them over time. We grow through experience here. We expand and elevate through our progressed experiential wisdom, and reclaim our innocence through the compassion and love we regain for ourselves as we increase our awareness and sacred remembrance. These February influxes have called forth major breakthroughs and resolutions for those energetically aware and working with their soul alignment. This phase of the earth’s evolution will require us to embody our source energy on a deeper level. We are becoming conscious creators and contributors to our reality and the unified environment we all share. This involves emotional and mental responsibility and mastery, and that requires us to address the monsters under the bed, in our bodies, and in our subconscious. We have various collective subconscious fields too that are being reoriented. Humanity has lived with many cultural and religious beliefs, narratives, and frameworks that continue to create limits and disruptions in our divine potential and connection. They aren’t wrong. They served purposes and truths at various periods of time. Many of these stories, characters, and myths changed their details to speak to and suit changes in the culture. Their teachings and meanings evolving with the ability and progress of their contemporaries. This does not lessen or negate their value, but instead shows the transitory nature and potential of creation itself. Last month I addressed the long-standing female mythical influence that permeates much of our disempowering and vilification of the feminine in Eve, but with this sacred rearranging we are experiencing now, I feel its time to move onto Medusa.
The story of Medusa has changed over the years. Medusa originally appeared outright as a monster. She was one sister in a trio of women so ugly that looking upon them caused the beholder to turn to stone. In this version she was the only mortal of the three, thus weakening her position and allowing her ultimate demise. As time passed, however, she became a beautiful mortal woman, that was a virginal devotee in the palace of Athena. Her good looks caught the attention of the god Poseidon, an enemy of Athena, that chose to rape Medusa in the palace to defile it. There are slight variations here, a few portraying her as a willing adulteress, inciting the jealousy and rage of Athena either way. In all, it is Athena that curses Medusa to her hideous, snake-headed form, and banishes her to isolation where any man that approached her would be met with the eternally hardened fate. The variation definitely creates a humbling and traumatized position for Medusa, one that reaffirms a cruel side of life and deity. Ironically, her name means “god’s protection” and her decapitated head, a symbol of protection to ward off evil. She was revered and hunted as an adversary, and then an omen of comfort and prowess in battle. This definitely touches on our glorification of conflict, domination, hardship, and suffering. She garnered no sympathy as a victim, but much admiration as a grotesque and violent adversary. She was ultimately bested by Hercules and her head continued to be powerful long after her demise.
Our evolution and harmonization as a species includes a rise, restoration, and balancing of the feminine aspect. Myths like Medusa’s say a lot about our relationship to the feminine, and what we valued as a culture at various times. Certain aspects of the female principle were celebrated, but many were exploited and denigrated, even by other women. As we make peace with these elements inside ourselves, we will see the stories and experiences change. The feminine’s beauty is neither her weakness nor her weapon, her embittered shadow state, is not what validates her. The feminine is an aspect of creation that exists inside all of us. She is the source of life, the unlimited space where all creations form, and the love that continues to nurture and foster growth and possibility. The feminine is receptive and potent in her passivity. She endures, believes, and abides. She does not need to fight, force, or manipulate to be effective. She only needs to recognize her feelings and vulnerabilities as gifts instead liabilities. She learns to value her voice even when its not the loudest, because wisdom is what lies beneath, not what’s taken or bought.
Our traumatized and wounded aspects are what cause us to grow in distorted ways over time. When hurt, we develop defense mechanisms in thought and feeling to insulate ourselves from future harm. What we build to keep ourselves safe, however, can also keep us from receiving positive energies and interactions. Walls defend against all. Our thoughts catered to seeing others as potential enemies, prevent us from connections that offer experiences to the contrary. We attract things to us based on the energy we hold and embody, so it is imperative to dissolve the past parameters to receive something new. If we allow ourselves to be isolated and fortified in our hurts, we end up like Medusa, unapproachable, emotionally weaponized, and alone. Today we better understand how she got there and may not see her as a monster, but can we recognize her in ourselves? Can we see where we have given our power to our hurts and victimization, and allowed our emotions and thoughts to run amok in our lives to our detriment? That is where we transcend our limits and our bondage to a lower expression and experience. We are meant to expand the internal barriers and challenge our older perceptions to embrace new opportunities.
Our weaknesses, blindspots, and wounds have been used to control and manipulate us for centuries. Elements of our nature have been recapitulated in perverted forms and fed back to us in ways that promote fear, guilt, and shame for things that are inherent and inescapable. This leaves us with a pervasive mistrust of ourselves and of life, ensuring we will give our power away to those that crown themselves as authority. We see what they are doing with their power, and we wait for someone better to come along to change it. This too is a learned response; one that has been re-enforced through the story of a savior coming, told for thousands of years. There are many variations in this also, the elements predating christianity. If we take the time to look at the teachings shared all over of the world, we can see shared symbols and truths that permeate all. There are things that are universal in the human experience, and they unite us when we can stop arguing over minute details and discrepancies to see the bigger picture.
If we take the two stories I have written about, there is a snake motif that is relevant in both. The snake was an ancient symbol for our life force energy. This energy is both sexual and creative; its potency soliciting physical urges and responses that were opportunities to exploit and control early on. In Eve, making her the culprit of luring a man into sin through sexual temptation (snake) helped make women the scapegoat for any desires and actions on a man’s part that lead to bad ends. It also yoked the power of women through internal feelings and beliefs about guilt and submission. It ensured she would be at odds with herself and her place in the world. She would be complicit in her weakened position. In Medusa’s situation, it was a sexual event that cursed her. If we go with the later versions, her beauty brought her danger, that then resulted in punishment. Her sexual energy was then weaponized beyond her control at the crown of her head, indiscriminately destroying everyone around her. Female sexuality has been under attack and subjugation for centuries, creating internal conflicts and distortions handed down through ancestry and culture. It is no surprise the result is the mass sexual violence and exploitation of women and children. What is inherently sacred and life giving, has been tainted, demoralized, and marketed for sale.
As the frequencies of life on the planet rise, however, all is restored to its proper place in value and creation. Life is not considered sacred when the feminine is desecrated. Respect and care is not given to those that foster life. Our treatment of the earth has best exemplified the effects of these misaligned belief systems and practices. Our relationship to each other, to life, and to the varying elements inside ourselves are changing to bring about a resolution. Our position of power always starts with our own liberation and divine restoration. The increases and influxes in light are assisting us in healing the underlying conflicts and untruths in our system. What scientists are calling solar flares, are divinely orchestrated impulses of energy flowing through our atmosphere to assist in elevating its frequency. They cause disturbances in the lower expressions to ensure their reclamation and integration into the higher frequency field of operation. This is not just an evolution of consciousness, it is a physical transformation as well. Because our sexual nature has been a source of manipulation, disempowerment, and enslavement, we will be guided to heal and resolve these issues in ourselves. We have been taught to fear and demonize the snake, but moving forward we will befriend this part of ourselves and lovingly own our pleasure, our vibrancy, and our potency. We will not see it as something to use or bargain as a means to survive, but instead see it as our precious life force to be consciously cultivated, managed, and protected for sustenance and creation in our lives. When I first started healing I was swallowed whole and regurgitated by a snake in the dream realms; last night I was in a place with many snakes of various colors and sizes, engaging with me positively as I continue to embody and heal more my sexual energy. This came after a significant heart opening and sexual healing I experienced last week.
I began my prayer ceremony initially, to pray for the transition of a young boy that killed himself because he was being bullied. He had loving and attentive parents that were devastated because he did not tell them about the mistreatment he was receiving online. As I connected to the situation and family to send angelic assistance and energy, the connection created an opening in me. I felt a crack in my heart open in resonance to the child, and then an out pouring of grief and a breakthrough in awareness ensued. I too had held secrets at a very young age, and consequently piled on years and layers of emotional and mental distortions on top of it in holding it. In an instant, I was able to perceive all it locked in place in hurt, in toxic relationship patterns, and in feelings of mistrust and unlovable-ness. As I brought a loving awareness to it, I felt the lighter energy come in. I was tingling all over. What followed was a full body re-balancing to accommodate the upgrades and align me to a higher level of soul embodiment. I processed energies relating to the secret events, along with the energies and distortions in thought that I held to protect and insulate me from it after. I saw how they isolated me from my family, and created a huge barrier in my ability to trust and open myself to others. When we wall off and guard ourselves, we live a half-life. We deny ourselves good feelings with the bad. I spent years drinking alcohol to anesthetize, socialize, and endure things; but drinking doesn’t make you emotionally available to others, it just numbs and steers you from being able to move through what is in the way. Drinking alcohol maintains a comfortably numb position in the lower bandwidth of denial.
I quit drinking years ago after my brother died and I could no longer avoid the healing and freedom presenting itself. The divine embodiment process comes with pain, but it ends with liberation. Circulating pain in denial and ignorance as a way of life is no way to truly live. The price of true freedom and love, is feeling and facing all that has been swept under the rug to discover the real self that is always present. There is the real you, witnessing, learning, engaging, creating, loving, through all time. We have been taught mistakingly to look for validation and esteem outside of ourselves, but true empowerment is an inside job. There is no escape from the changes underway. There is no thing or one coming to rescue us from ourselves and our creations. Our salvation comes from internal intimacy and engagement. The energy influxes will continue to affect our minds, our bodies, our circumstances. They are designed to, and are seeking to help not harm. Be wary of those pulling people into the dooms and dangers of man and nature. Seek your soul’s counsel above all the conflicting noise. Let everyone handle their karmic residue and responsibilities with compassion. Your position of empowerment aligns you to others embodying their own. We then unify in resonance, and grow in strength and frequency to assist the collective. This is an organic process; like water, spirit does not fight or force. LOVE already encompasses all.
Your body is a divine instrument that is always trying to detoxify negative interference and come into a state of higher operation, harmony, and balance. Do you know its guidance? There are processes it must undergo to mutate. As I readjusted my flow, frequency, and truth from my heart opening, my body was sore everywhere it was integrating. The pain in various parts of the body had messages and stories. I purged through mucous, blood, sweat, and waste elimination. I ran fever periodically. Heat is an alchemical agent. Instead of assigning an illness to my body, my higher self guided me to hold space for the transition with love and awareness. I addressed everything on the energetic level with prayer, meditation, and healing modalities like reiki and quantum harmonization. I gave my body the time, attention, and rest it needed to complete the upgrade. This is how I embrace my embodiment, understanding we are here to have and honor our physical vehicle and experience–not escape, diminish, or override it. We nurture what we see as sacred; our bodies are part of this evolution and hold the blocks, locks, and keys in the way.
What can you do to embrace and support your divine embodiment and evolution? LOVE is infiltrating and penetrating all layers to restore a higher peace, love, awareness, and unity to this planet. Will you join LOVE in upgrading the templates, narratives, and framework for all life here? Will you liberate yourself? Will you work with your body and help it to free you of the past? You will feel the new levels of bliss and potential activating and online for new creations as you move through the old. You are the only one that can do it for you! I wish you many blessings and breakthroughs as we enter easter season. You are no stranger to death and resurrection. Open yourself to the possibilities…🦋💜