Tag: #author

Forging Freedom

I started July on an island in Florida, which is one of my versions of paradise on earth. Being on a large body of water is always expansive for me. I am often swimming inside even while on land, ever aware of the flow of energy streaming in motion. It helps me to let go …

Solstice to Self

  As the light intensified approaching the summer solstice in June, it highlighted for me any lingering old hang-ups, stories, relationships, or beliefs that were ready for transmutation. We are all in this process ongoing in a planetary ascension cycle, but there are rotations and rhythms where peaks can be felt and utilized to embody …

Sprung Into Solar Fire

May came in with increasing streams of luxurious light. Solar flares are building in waves of illuminating intention and liberation. Even the night skies were expanded with access to aurora activity, inspiring and delighting many all over the world. Light influxes help us purge blocks of lower frequency stagnation and limitation, to expand and embody …

Evoking Eclipse Blessings

April sprung immediately from the rebirth of Easter in the center of an eclipse window. The lunar eclipse on March 25th pulled me out of sleep with my heart pounding.  In its wake, I purged more of my heart’s wounding illuminated in detail in my sleep. Many dreams additionally showed me the physical steps that …

A Procession of Prayer

As Mars and Venus came together recently in the cosmos, I began processing unresolved masculine pain physically. I have been healing, balancing, and upgrading the masculine and feminine in me for a long time. I wrote about the replacing of my toxic masculine prototype in my book TRUE LOVE NOT LIKE IN THE MOVIES. The …

Living the Dream 2024

This holiday season provided me with periods of intense physical transmutation, requiring rest and surrender. I slowed down and simplified when prompted, and found my moments filled with a deep appreciation and gratitude for what has remained loving and supportive in my life. The new year still felt like it occurred in a holding pen …

A Procession of Peace

November felt like a field of peace that landed to hold space for a funeral procession. October’s death march (detailed in last month’s blog) allowed for the peace to arrive, but in November, anything lingering in feeling or thought that was attached to my past aspects moved out in accordance. My dreams were vivid and …

September’s Surrender

The fall equinox brought me back to my favorite local park to plant blessings in the earth’s womb. After processing many layers of ancestral and karmic residue, tender connections and simple moments allowed me to see what was real and solid for me as the dust settled. I knew it was so prior, but the …

From Purgatory to Peace

August has brought a fierce heat and required us to surrender to the fires of transmutation on multiple levels. We fear fire and often mourn what it reclaims, but we forget fire is an alchemical agent. What survives it is transformed, refined, and stronger; what succumbs to it makes space for something new to blossom. …

Marching Forward in Abundance

  Spring is soliciting new choices, attitudes, behaviors, and beginnings. Being relieved of many ancestral karmic debts and stories, I am learning what it is to live without a story at all. It takes a little practice getting comfortable with surrendering to whatever the moment brings, in full trust in my ability to handle it. …