Tag: #life

Sprung Into Solar Fire

May came in with increasing streams of luxurious light. Solar flares are building in waves of illuminating intention and liberation. Even the night skies were expanded with access to aurora activity, inspiring and delighting many all over the world. Light influxes help us purge blocks of lower frequency stagnation and limitation, to expand and embody …

A Procession of Prayer

As Mars and Venus came together recently in the cosmos, I began processing unresolved masculine pain physically. I have been healing, balancing, and upgrading the masculine and feminine in me for a long time. I wrote about the replacing of my toxic masculine prototype in my book TRUE LOVE NOT LIKE IN THE MOVIES. The …

Death Becomes Her

Scorpio season came in with a transformative and beautiful bang for me. The whole month of October has presented challenges, but all with opportunities to dig deeper and excavate treasure. I started with a visit to my daughter’s college campus in TN. It was beautiful weather and so good to be together. Her transition has …

Marching Forward in Abundance

  Spring is soliciting new choices, attitudes, behaviors, and beginnings. Being relieved of many ancestral karmic debts and stories, I am learning what it is to live without a story at all. It takes a little practice getting comfortable with surrendering to whatever the moment brings, in full trust in my ability to handle it. …

Innovating Your Myth

January is almost gone, but in many ways it feels as if it started after the new moon on the 21st. We have been experiencing intense episodes of light anchoring on the planet, that create surges of lower frequency energy to be integrated. As the past rises to be processed, it often distorts the way …

The GRACE Reset

                Sound the trumpets! We are out of Scorpio season. 👻😝 I am not prone to dramatizing things, but we have definitely been in a chrysalis of chaos at times. Scorpio brings us to our emotional edges, depths, and shadows. It reminds us of the forces of death and transformation …