Tag: #2024

A Procession of Prayer

As Mars and Venus came together recently in the cosmos, I began processing unresolved masculine pain physically. I have been healing, balancing, and upgrading the masculine and feminine in me for a long time. I wrote about the replacing of my toxic masculine prototype in my book TRUE LOVE NOT LIKE IN THE MOVIES. The …

The Dawning of Aquarius

A flow state of creation and being is more accessible now on earth. Physical upgrades force many to slow down, disrupting reliance on former schedules, activities, and old ways of attempting to seek security inside via controlling outer circumstances. We are continuously being brought back to ourselves; where selfcare is not a prioritized practice, it …

Living the Dream 2024

This holiday season provided me with periods of intense physical transmutation, requiring rest and surrender. I slowed down and simplified when prompted, and found my moments filled with a deep appreciation and gratitude for what has remained loving and supportive in my life. The new year still felt like it occurred in a holding pen …