Intentional Living
November was a month that expanded my foundation of faith into a fortress of fortitude. So many epiphanies and perspectives of what I had been building for a long time, lifetimes even. We get these glimpses after we process a lot of stored and suppressed energy held in our bodies. Things that historically caused reaction …
Posted on January 7, 2025 by Yvette Kinchen
#ageofaquarius, #ageoftransparency, #align, #ascension, #authenticity, #awaken, #awakening, #awareness, #blog, #blogger, #blogpost, #decemberblog, #disclosure, #divinealignment, #divinelove, #divinewill, #earthblog, #embracetruelove, #empoweryourself, #expansion, #galacticcouncil, #goldenage, #happyeverything, #happynewyear, #higherconsciousness, #light, #lightwork, #live, #liveintentionally, #love, #love #thrive #freedom #choosejoy, #newblog, #newblogpost, #newearth, #newyearblog, #novemberblog, #power, #selfempowerment, #simplylive, #soul, #soulembodiment, #spirit, #spiritualawakening, #transformation, #truelove, #truth, #wakeup
Disclosures of October
October started off with a solar eclipse in Libra. For me, this heralded a month of relationship consummation and mastery. It also helped me address energies I was still holding that muddled or tainted my authentic self-expression. Some of these were subconscious experiences and beliefs handed down from my ancestry, my childhood, and my other …
Posted on November 5, 2024 by Yvette Kinchen
#ageofaquarius, #america, #ascension, #authenticity, #author, #awakening, #balance, #blog, #blogger, #blogpost, #book, #choosepeace, #consciousness, #disclosure, #dream, #dreaming, #dreamwork, #earth, #earthascension, #election, #electionday, #embracetruelove, #energy, #enlightenment, #evolution, #forgiveness, #freedom, #frequency, #harmony, #higherconsciousness, #higherintelligence, #higherself, #justice, #light, #love, #maryuntierofknots, #mothermary, #newblog, #newblogpost, #newearth, #october, #peace, #power, #pray, #prayer, #prophecy, #purity, #selfexpression, #selflove, #shadowwork, #solareclipse2024, #spirit, #transformation, #transmutation, #transparency, #truelove, #truth, #unconditionallove, #unitedstateselection, #unity, #unityconsciousness, #uselection, #vibration, #vote, #wisdom, #writer
A September of Spiritual Integrity
As political divisiveness heats up in the collective, it becomes imperative to maintain integrity in all new earth foundations and creations. All that remains to be seen and revealed is relatively unfolding in perfect timing and understanding to each. These times require faith, but the only way to truly know we are effectively anchoring the …
Posted on September 27, 2024 by Yvette Kinchen
#ascension, #autumn, #autumnequinox, #awakening, #blog, #blogger, #blogpost, #consciousness, #devotion, #dream, #dreamer, #dreamwork, #earth, #earthascension, #embodiment, #embracetruelove, #evolution, #fall, #fallblog, #fallseason, #happyfall, #heavenonearth, #humanity, #integrity, #livelove, #love, #newblog, #newblogpost, #newearth, #planetaryascension, #power, #september, #septemberblog, #shadowwork, #unity, #writer
The Eve of Innocence
August has remained hot in both temperature and temperament. Fire destroys. Fire purifies. Fire ignites. We are taught to fear intensity and destruction, but both are agents of creation in eternity’s game. Up on the chopping block are old beliefs, narratives, stereotypes, illusions, faulty foundations, and restrictive limitations. This occurs within and without; the world …
Posted on August 28, 2024 by Yvette Kinchen
#ageoofaquarius, #ascension, #august, #author, #awakening, #awareness, #balance, #blog, #blogger, #blogpost, #change, #consciousness, #divine, #dream, #earth, #eve, #evolution, #feminine, #forgiveness, #frequency, #healing, #innocence, #love, #love #thrive #freedom #choosejoy, #masculine, #new, #newblog, #newblogpost, #newearth, #reconciliation, #restoration, #sacredunion, #shadowwork, #spirit, #spiritual, #transformation, #truelove, #union, #wholeness, #writing
Forging Freedom
I started July on an island in Florida, which is one of my versions of paradise on earth. Being on a large body of water is always expansive for me. I am often swimming inside even while on land, ever aware of the flow of energy streaming in motion. It helps me to let go …
Posted on July 20, 2024 by Yvette Kinchen
#author, #blog, #blogger, #blogpost, #book, #consciousness, #dream, #dreams, #dreamwork, #earth, #embracetruelove, #forgingfreedom, #free, #freedom, #july, #julyblog, #liberation, #live, #livefree, #love, #new, #newage, #newblog, #newearth, #ocean, #peace, #peaceonearth, #spirit, #transformation, #truelove, #truth, #water
Solstice to Self
As the light intensified approaching the summer solstice in June, it highlighted for me any lingering old hang-ups, stories, relationships, or beliefs that were ready for transmutation. We are all in this process ongoing in a planetary ascension cycle, but there are rotations and rhythms where peaks can be felt and utilized to embody …
Posted on June 27, 2024 by Yvette Kinchen
#author, #blog, #blogger, #blogpost, #book, #divineunion, #embodiment, #embracetruelove, #energy, #feminine, #freedom, #healing, #june, #juneblogpost, #liberation, #light, #livelove, #liveyourstory, #love, #lover, #lovestory, #masculine, #sacred, #sacredunion, #selflove, #sexualenergy, #solstice, #sovereignty, #summersolstice, #transcendence, #transformation, #truelove, #writer
Sprung Into Solar Fire
May came in with increasing streams of luxurious light. Solar flares are building in waves of illuminating intention and liberation. Even the night skies were expanded with access to aurora activity, inspiring and delighting many all over the world. Light influxes help us purge blocks of lower frequency stagnation and limitation, to expand and embody …
Posted on May 21, 2024 by Yvette Kinchen
#ancestralhealing, #ascension, #aurora, #aurora2024, #author, #awakening, #bethechange, #bethelight, #beyou, #blog, #blogger, #blogpost, #book, #change, #consciousness, #create, #createyourstory, #creation, #divine, #dream, #earth, #embracetruelove, #energy, #evolution, #feminine, #freedom, #frequency, #healing, #heart, #liberation, #life, #light, #live, #liveyourstory, #love, #lovestory, #masculine, #may2024, #mayblog, #mayblogpost, #nature, #new, #newearth, #ownyourstory, #peace, #shadow, #shadowwork, #solarfire, #solarflares, #story, #sun, #transformation, #truelove, #truth, #wearenature, #wisdom, #writer, #writeyourstory
Evoking Eclipse Blessings
April sprung immediately from the rebirth of Easter in the center of an eclipse window. The lunar eclipse on March 25th pulled me out of sleep with my heart pounding. In its wake, I purged more of my heart’s wounding illuminated in detail in my sleep. Many dreams additionally showed me the physical steps that …
Posted on April 10, 2024 by Yvette Kinchen
#april, #aprilsolareclipse, #ascension, #author, #awakening, #blessings, #blog, #blogger, #book, #corewound, #dream, #dreamweaver, #dreamwork, #earth, #easter, #eclipse, #embracetruelove, #healing, #love, #loveyourself, #lunareclipse, #marchlunareclipse2024, #nature, #new, #newblog, #newblogpost, #newearth, #newmoon, #peace, #shadow, #shadowwork, #solareclipse, #solareclipse2024, #truelove, #weaver, #write
A Procession of Prayer
As Mars and Venus came together recently in the cosmos, I began processing unresolved masculine pain physically. I have been healing, balancing, and upgrading the masculine and feminine in me for a long time. I wrote about the replacing of my toxic masculine prototype in my book TRUE LOVE NOT LIKE IN THE MOVIES. The …
Posted on February 24, 2024 by Yvette Kinchen
#2024, #altar, #aprocessionofpeace, #aprocessionofprayer, #archetype, #ascension, #author, #awakening, #blog, #blogger, #blogpost, #book, #ceremony, #change, #consciousness, #divinefeminine, #divinemasculine, #dream, #dreams, #dreamweaver, #earth, #embracetruelove, #evolution, #faith, #fatherearth, #february, #feminine, #freedom, #full, #fullmoon, #heart, #higherconsciousness, #involution, #joy, #liberation, #life, #light, #live, #love, #love #thrive #freedom #choosejoy, #mars, #masculine, #moon, #motherearth, #new, #newage, #openheart, #peace, #pray, #prayer, #sacredmarriage, #sacredunion, #truelove, #venus, #virgo, #virgofullmoon
The Dawning of Aquarius
A flow state of creation and being is more accessible now on earth. Physical upgrades force many to slow down, disrupting reliance on former schedules, activities, and old ways of attempting to seek security inside via controlling outer circumstances. We are continuously being brought back to ourselves; where selfcare is not a prioritized practice, it …
Posted on February 9, 2024 by Yvette Kinchen
#2024, #ageofaquarius, #aquarius, #ascension, #awakening, #awareness, #blog, #blogger, #blogpost, #chjange, #consciuosness, #create, #creation, #dream, #dreams, #earth, #evolution, #february, #freedom, #happy, #happynewmoon, #higherconsciousness, #intention, #light, #love, #loveistheway, #lovestory, #moon, #nature, #new, #newage, #newblogpost, #newmoon, #newmooninaquarius, #newyear, #newyou, #peace, #photography, #post, #revolution, #star, #transformation, #writer, #writeyourstory